Utility Billing Cycle Information

The utility billing cycle runs from the tenth (10th) of the previous month through the 10th of the current month. Meter reading begins the first business day of each month and is completed by the 10th of same month. Bills are then calculated, along with any adjustments necessary, and mailed on the twentieth (20th) of that month. Bills are considered "Past Due" after the fifth (5th) of the following month; however, all customers are guaranteed a 10-day grace period before disconnection for nonpayment will occur.


  1. Meter reading begins May 1st, all meters read by May 10th.
  2. From April 10th through May 10th is the billing period, billing will be calculated from water usage recorded from April meter reading to May reading.
  3. Bill is calculated and mailed on May 20th, due date of June 5th.
  4. Past due bill, if unpaid by June 15th, is subject to disconnection.