Project Review Committee (PRC)

The duties and responsibilities of the Project Review Committee are set by section 1.6 of the Land Development Regulations of the City of Wildwood, which are listed below. 

1.6.         Project Review Committee (PRC)

(A) Purpose.  The purpose of the Project Review Committee (PRC) is to gather information to aid staff in presenting projects, to serve in an advisory capacity to the Planning and Zoning Board regarding certain proposed projects, and to approve certain proposed projects. Meetings of the PRC are not public hearings and are held for the purpose of reviewing a proposed project’s compliance with the technical requirements of the Code. 

(B) Duties and responsibilities.  The Project Review Committee shall be responsible for reviewing certain applications with respect to their conformance to the rules and regulations as established in this Code. After review, the PRC may determine substantial changes are necessary to meet the regulations of this Code. In such cases the applicant shall resubmit the application to the office of Development Services Director. Upon determination the project is in conformance with this Code, the PRC shall recommend the Planning and Zoning Board hear the project, along with conditions if necessary. Recommendations, conditions and plans will be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board.  The PRC shall review and make recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Board on the following applications:

(1) Planned developments;

(2) Site plans;

(3) Improvement plans; and

(4) Final plats.

The PRC shall have the authority to approve minor lot splits, subdivision preliminary plans, and minor site plans in conformance with section 1.14 of this Code.

(C) Project Review Committee Coordinator. The Development Services Director shall be the liaison between the PRC and the Planning and Zoning Board and shall act as the Project Review Committee Coordinator. The PRC Coordinator shall have the following duties:

(1) Receive all applicable applications and review each application for completeness. The applicant shall be notified of the PRC meeting within seven (7) days of the application being deemed sufficient;
(2) Process all applicable applications to ensure compliance with this Code. The application shall be forwarded to the appropriate members of the PRC for their review;
(3) Record and make available to the public meeting minutes of the PRC;
(4) Present the recommendations of the PRC to the Planning and Zoning Board; and
(5) Approve, approve with conditions, or deny minor lot splits, subdivision preliminary plans, and minor site plans.

(D)   Membership.   

(1)   The PRC may consist of the following members who may be present when their expertise is necessary for determination of needs of a project:
(a) City Manager or authorized representative;
(b) Development Services Director;
(c) Public Works Director;
(d) City Engineer;
(e) Utilities Director;
(f) Building Services Director;
(g) Police Chief;
(h) Fire Chief;
(i) Representative of the applicable utility providers (electric, gas, etc);
(j) Representative from Sumter County; and
(k) Representative from the Sumter County School Board.
(2) The PRC shall meet at least once a month provided the need is present to hold such meetings. An attempt should be made to have those persons present who have expertise necessary to determine issues concerning the project.
(3) Members of the PRC are required provide review comments in writing to the Project Review Committee Coordinator in advance of the meeting.